Bare Feet Celeb Feet

A Peek at Chris Hemsworth’s Bare Feet

Whether you love bare male celebrity feet or are an Avengers fan, the two brief peeks at gorgeous hunk Chris Hemsworth’s feet and legs as he comes onto the balcony with his coffee and his paper will have you throbbing. Enjoy!

Celeb Feet Dress Shoes

George Peppard’s Feet

A handsome, younger George Peppard from Breakfast at Tiffany’s kicks back to make a phone call, pointing his feet toward the camera. He slips off one scuffed dress shoe, then continues his conversation with one foot in a dark sock and the other still in a shoe. Eventually he kicks off the other shoe, displaying two masculine socked feet. I never knew George Peppard had such sexy feet!

Bare Feet Celeb Feet

Starring Cristiano Ronaldo’s Feet

Portuguese football (that’s soccer to those of us in the States) player Cristiano Ronaldo is quite well-known world wide for his playing, and he’s also quite the hunk with his dark, wavy hair and beautiful eyes, not to mention that great bod. This is a behind-the-scenes video of making a Commercial featuring Mr. Ronaldo, and in it he lies on a bed, first in socks and then barefoot, kicking a soccer (er… football) ball and sitting around with his bare feet showing. Hot, hot, hot!

Bare Feet Celeb Feet

Justin Chambers’ Bare Feet

Here’s sexy Justin Chambers barefoot in this clip from Grey’s Anatomy. And an excellent clip it is, too, as he wiggles his toes, rubs them, flexes his bare, slightly dirty soles and more. The camera catches his feet from the bottoms and the tops, and you’ll spot some perfect foot shots. It’s as if they shot this one just for foot lovers. Enjoy!

Bare Feet Celeb Feet

Scott Caan and Alex O’ Loughlin Barefoot!

Here’s a video of Scott Caan and Alex O’ Loughlin. They’re kicking back barefoot, their soles pointed toward the camera. While they’re chatting (it is, after all, in the script for this show), they keep scrunching their toes and moving their feet. Even if you’ve seen this one, it’s definitely worth watching again from a foot lover’s perspective!