Want to build strength in your feet? You can win the toe wrestling championship bouts with this routine. Besides, we get to watch this guy do his foot workout. Enjoy!
Category: Misc Foot Stuff
Amateur Guy Gets a Pedicure
This lucky guy gets his feet washed, scrubbed, massaged and more. His toenails are trimmed and he’s relaxed as his feet are rubbed while he kicks back in his chair. Or maybe the lucky guy is the man giving him the pedicure. Either way, hope you like it!
Asian Guy Sniffs His Shoes
Meet Josh from Twinky Feet. This slim and sexy Asian guy has lightly hairy calves, dark hair and bedroom eyes, and he also loves the smell of his own masculine foot odor. That’s why he’s sniffing his well-worn and slightly sweaty sneakers, getting his face down into the shoes to really get the scent. Want to see Josh’s full shoe sniffing and foot fetish video? Click here to see him at Twinky Feet!
I ran across a video for all you lovers of men’s feet in boots! This is a man in uniform clothes showing us how to tie boots Marine-style, and then how to use boot bands. The camera stays on his booted feet in tasty closeups so you can almost feel that warm leather. Whether you can are about how to lace up your boots or not, you gotta love this masculine amateur showing us how it’s done!
Fun Flip-Flops Ad!
Here’s a bit of seriously wacky foot fun in an actual ad for flip-flops. Plenty of male feet wearing them plus check out this guy’s flip-flop collection! I must admit, this one made my day!